Balance: a theme show celebrating the 49 years of the Attic Gallery

Welcome to Balance
a virtual Attic Gallery theme show

in celebration of the 49 years of the Attic Gallery


Pat Abernathy
Rick Anderson
Sam Beibers
Jean Blue
DaNeal Eberly
Paul Fayard
Martha Ferris
Kat Fitzpatrick
Elayne Goodman
Cat Hegman
Kennith Humphrey
Lucy Hunnicutt
Mamie Joe
Ellen Langford
Susan Leavey
Ron Lindsey
Keith Matthews
Vanda McCormick
George Ann McCullough
Patt Odom
Susie Ranager
Dale Rayburn
Lesley Silver
Jamie Tate
Wyatt Waters
Kreg Yingst

We have turned to the artists again asking for BALANCE. They have painted, sculpted, and more to fill up our third floor with art in celebration of our 49th anniversary here in downtown Vicksburg. We hope you enjoy seeing all this work online. (Call to make a reservation to see the in person during business hours: 601 638 9221. To purchase call us at 601 638 9221 or call or text: 601 529 7994. Most of the work is here, so you can come pick up your purchases. The Dale Rayburn and Mamie Joe pieces are the only ones not here. They will ship those directly to you. We can ship any of the others to you.)

1. Jamie Tate
8" x 8"

2. Ron Lindsey
Paul's Pitcher
13" x 16"

3. Vanda McCormick
Balancing Acts
24" x 30"
Mixed Media

4. Jamie Tate
Out of Balance
12" x 16"

5. Pat Abernathy
3 Bellmen
11" x 15"
Acrylic on paper

6. Kat Fitzpatrick
Leaf Language
24" x 24"

7. Elayne Goodman
Balanced Diet
17" x 13"
Mixed Media

8. Sam Beibers
Sky Puddles
11" x 6 1/4"

9. Ron Lindsey
Blue Melon
14" x 18"

10. Jamie Tate
Off Kilter
12" x 12"
Acrylic on paper

11. Lesley Silver
World out of Balance
2" x 7"
Mixed Media

12. Kat Fitzpatrick
Balance 2
6" x 6"

13. Kat Fitzpatrick
Balance 1
6" x 6"

14. Paul Fayard
Bowmar Balance
6" x 12"
15. Paul Fayard
Bowmar Beaming
6" x 12"
16. Mamie Joe
Days to Come
14" x 16"

17. Ellen Langford
Together, in Balance
11 1/2" x 9 1/2"
Framed birch panel

18. Ellen Langford
You Hold Me in Balance
11 1/2" x 9 1/2"
Framed birch panel

19. Ellen Langford
A Time for Grounding
11 1/2" x 9 1/2"
Framed birch panel

20. Ellen Langford
This Dance of Our Holding Together
11 1/2" x 9 1/2"
Framed birch panel

21. Ellen Langford
Trust and Breathing
11 1/2" x 9 1/2"
Framed birch panel

22. Keith Matthews
Five Stones to Balance
Image size: 14" x 18"
Framed Watercolor

23. Lesley Silver
Dependent on Each Other
9" x 11"
Mixed Media

24. Wyatt Waters
The Difference Between Morning and Evening Light
11" x 16"
Framed Watercolor

25. Lucy Hunnicutt
House Blessing
14" x 14"

26. George Ann McCullough
Finding Balance
18" x 14"

27. George Ann McCullough
Got This
11" x 14"

28. George Ann McCullough
Juggles the Fool
11" x 14"

29. Sam Beibers
Balanced Diet
11" x 16"

30. Lesley Silver
It's All Good
7" x 8" x 6"
Mixed Media

31. Dale Rayburn
Mississippi Delta
8" x 10"

32. Mamie Joe
Nature's Best
14" x 16"

33. Paul Fayard
Autumn Shade
5" x 5"
Mixed Media

34. Susie Ranager
Bird #16
6" x 6"

35. Susie Ranager
Bird #12
6" x 6"

36. Paul Fayard
Red, White and Vicksburg
12" x 12"

37. Dale Rayburn
8" x 10"

38. Mamie Joe
Show of Grace
15" x 15"

39. Rick Anderson
The Four Tops
16" x 16"
Prismacolor Pencil on wood panel

40. Kat Fitzpatrick
Flower of Life
6" x 12"

41. Lucy Hunnicutt
Red Bird, Blue Bird
26" x 18"

42. Dale Rayburn
Whole Gale
8" x 10"

43. Lucy Hunnicutt
You'll Be Alright
20" x 20"

44. Lesley Silver
Sleight of Hand
7" x 9"
Framed Mixed Media

45. Kreg Yingst
Tree of Love
11" x 11"
Relief Print

46. Jean Blue
Keep in Touch
18" x 28"
Framed Mixed Media

47. Jean Blue
A Delicate Balance
12" x 15"
Framed Collage

48. Rick Anderson
White Clouds/Gold Moon
18" x 24"
Mixed on wood panel

49. Pat  Abernathy
21" x 23"
Mixed Media on paper

50. Susie Ranager
Balancing the Books
12" x 24"

51. Vanda McCormick
Balancing Priorities
16" x 23"

52. Patt Odom
Imitation of Balance
24" x 30

53. Rick Anderson
Elements of Balance
20" x 20"
Mixed on canvas

54. Rick Anderson
Asymmetrical Patterns
24" x 24"
Mixed on canvas

55. Kennith Humphrey
Balancing Life
24" x 30"

56. Cat Hegman
Weight of Balance: Two Peaces
24" x 24"
Acrylic on wood

57. Pat Abernathy
He Ain't Heavy
10" x 10"

58. DaNeal Eberly
Looking for It...
20" x 20"
Acrylic on canvas

59. Elayne Goodman
Balancing Act
14" x 10"
Mixed Media

60. Ellen Langford
Faith Leaping
11 1/2" x 9 1/2"
Framed birch panel

61. Cat Hegman
Weight of Balance: Precarious
18" x 24"
Framed Oil on Panel

62. Martha Ferris
Perched on the Poet
12" x 12"

we hope you enjoyed exploring the show virtually,
but if you want to see it in person during business hours,
call to make an appointment. 601 638 9221.

To purchase pieces, call us at 601 638 9221 or call/text 601 529 7994

we can ship to you wherever you are (almost)

new work can regularly be seen at

Thank you.

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