Come to the Attic for Time

Join us at the Attic Gallery Friday, October 12 from 7 to 9 PM for


(High Time by Jean Blue)

a theme show featuring paintings and more by
Lane Berg
Jean Blue
Anne Campbell
Rob Cooper
Wemdy Eddleman
Paul Fayard
Sandra Halat
Mary Hardy
Jerrie Glasper
Elayne Goodman
Kennith Humphrey
Ellen Langford
Ron Lindsey
Patt Odom
Poor Julia
Susie Ranager
Earl Simmons
Cliff Speaks
Jamie Tate
Wyatt Waters
As we age, as we get more involved in the community and family there  is one element that becomes more elusive: time.
This year the Attic has chosen Time for our theme. Hopefully these artists interpretations will help us in our everyday lives as we struggle with time.
Someting we Confront every day.
Our lives Revovlve around it.
It Limits us.
It also can give us Liberties..
Clocks are everywhere,
And our lives are dictated by the movement of these minutes.
How do artists deal with time?
How can they help us in processing it?
Come discover the answers.

The opening is Friday, October 12 from 7 - 9 PM upstairs in our living room.

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