Roots 2012: a theme show...

The Attic's got Roots! (a theme show)
Friday, March 2
from 7 PM to 9 PM

David Lambert's Saturday Night

Anne Campbell's painting and collage Anne Campbell fabric collage and painting on canvas

Paul Fayard's Sarah's Roots

Paul Fayard's Sarah's Roots

Jean Blue's Convergence

Kennith Humphrey's Ashes to Ashes

Cathy Hegman painting

Painting by Jamie Tate Jamie Tate's Crux

Lesley Silver's From My Roots Lesley Silver's My Roots

Rob Coopr Glass Panel Rob Cooper's glass panel

Quilt by Rhonda Blasingame Rhonda Blasingame's quilt

The Attic Gallery's got Roots!

Friday, March 2

from 7 PM to 9 PM

We like to start each year with a theme show. We asked our artists to create something about roots. Join us in our new loft in downtown Vicksburg to see the results: paintings, photography, fabrics, sculpture, collage...


Sam Biebers
Lane Berg
Rhonda Blasingame
Jean Blue
Anne Campbell
Rob Cooper
Fletcher Cox
Anthony DiFatta
Tony Davenport
Wendy Eddleman
Paul Fayard
Kathy Gergo
Elayne Goodman
Mary Hardy
Cathy Hegman
Kennith Humphrey
Randy Jolly
David Lambert

Ellen Langford
Ron Lindsey
George Ann McCullough
Patt Odom
Poor Julia
Lesley Silver
Earl Simmons
James Smithhart
Jamie Tate

Vidal Blankenstein

(And... Call Sally at Main Street Market Cafe to make dinner reservations before the show. She and Chris want me to remind you that it's BYOB. 601 634 8088)

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