50th Anniversary Artist Gallery #1 Dale Rayburn & Mamie Joe Autumn Memories - Dale Rayburn Monotype on paper 18" x 18" $750 Autumn Memories by Dale Rayburn "Throughout my career, I have had a propensity toward painting older people. They tend to show life experiences on their faces and they have great stories to tell, as well. As I have grown older myself, I have painted several self-portraits. This piece was inspired by the fact that I am so grateful for being able to do what I love. Making art as your vocation, in my opinion, has to be one of the most rewarding endeavors anyone could possibly wish for." Show of Grace - Mamie Joe Acrylic on paper 15" x 15" $550 SHOW OF GRACE mixed media on paper by Mamie Joe "My 103 year old mother fell three times several months ago, and by some miracle, she did not break any bones. She did sustain some major bruising, strained her right arm, and could not walk. But with much help from a dedicated p